LiveLab Customer Testimonials

Here's what our Customers have to say about LiveLab!

"Love the web site and ease of access to results. Very quick indeed!"

Andrew Jackson, ADM Direct

"A highly cost effective service indeed; fast efficient, state of the art communications. Excellent."

Edward Willmott, Premium Crops

"Grain samples can leave our office at 9am in the morning and they are available to download on the livelab website by 4pm."

Paul Towns, Harby Agriculture

"Anyone viewing the service at livelab is welcome to speak to me for an opinion."

Mike Sheppard, North Herts Farmers

"We would have no hesitation in recommending livelab as a competitive reliable laboratory wherever you operate from in the UK"

Robin Wright, Grainmonitor Ltd

"All our requirements are taken care of and everything is handled for us from collection to reporting. Although we don’t use the website their faxing service is equally fast. In short they are a reliable and cost effective service provider."

Harry Godwin, CAM